Tin in Drinking Water
What is tin? As a silvery-white, soft, heavy metal, tin is a component of minerals. The most common tin ore, …
What is tin? As a silvery-white, soft, heavy metal, tin is a component of minerals. The most common tin ore, …
What diseases are caused by mould? Mould spores can be found everywhere in our environment and do not usually harm …
What is phosphate? Phosphates are salts of phosphoric acid, i.e. compounds of phosphorus. Since the element has a very high …
What are enterococci? Enterococci are spherical bacteria that belong to the order of lactic acid bacteria. They can be found …
What is mercury? Mercury, the “living silver”, is a toxic metal in a liquid aggregation state under average temperatures. This …
What is copper? Copper is a chemical element. It is a semi-precious metal that is relatively soft and, therefore, easy …
The quality of water in the UK is generally reasonable. The waterworks treat the water to meet the strict requirements …
What are legionella? Legionella are rod-shaped bacteria that can cause various diseases in humans. The most significant species for humans …
What is sulphate? Sulphates are salts or esters of sulphuric acid that occur naturally in minerals. The salts contain the …
What is the pH value? The pH value indicates the concentration and activity of free hydrogen ions in an aqueous …